Dr. Dume

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The writings of Dr. Phineas Dume.

Dr. Dume's blog can be found at Wordpress.

The Articles of Dume

There was once a hugely popular online magazine known as Alienskin. Within the HTML-pages of that publication, in every issue for seven of its years, you would find an article by myself on writing horror stories. Now, forty-five of those articles are reproduced in this single volume so those who enjoyed them can enjoy them again, and those who didn't can ignore them all at once.

There was one article missing. I have now found it and will release it as a free Ebook called 'The Sample of Dume'. It will appear in print in the next book because it's far too short to  be in print on its own.

The books appear on Amazon, CreateSpace and Lulu.com in print, and most places as Ebooks. The free one will be available everywhere except Amazon because I can't make it free there. A Kindle version can be found on Smashwords.

The Sample of Dume

Two articles on horror-writing from Alienskin magazine's Dr. Dume. These are not concerned with the mechanics of writing, they are intended to get the idea gland buzzing.

Includes the missing article from the 45-article collection, 'The Articles of Dume'.

Ebook format only because it's far too small to make a print version. It's on Smashwords at the moment but it'll start spreading soon. Kindle users can get this on Smashwords, but there is no means to make it free on Amazon.