Writer and rogue scientist.
H. K. Hillman
Brought up in the Spock-like logical and emotionless world of science, H. K. Hillman's crazed and often drink-fuelled imaginings first took solid form in 2003 with the publication of 'Construction Kit' in an online magazine called 'Dark Fiction'. Shortly afterwards, his work appeared in Alienskin, Nocturnal Ooze, 31Eyes, Quietus and others but this was not enough. Even the creation of Dr. Phineas Dume, regular contributor of articles to Alienskin, was not enough. The dreams just kept coming.
Online magazines come and go and those short stories depixellated like Tron villians along with them. Depending on the magazine format, some stories left the aether soon after publication. They have now been resurrected in print and electronic format in 'Fears of the Old and the New' which you will find under 'Books' in the sidebar..
Selling short stories is no basis for any sort of living standard so H.K. doesn't bother any more. Shorts are either collected into book-sized chunks, given away through Smashwords or submitted to any Ezine they fit into. There is no point haggling over five dollars here and there. The shorts, unless they can fit the theme of a collection, go out for free.These days, the primary online Ezine for H. K. is The Horror Zine and there are links to those stories through the 'Free Tales' section of the side menu.
At the moment there is only one full novel out there. There is a second in the process of passing around publishers and a third almost ready to go. There are plans to self-publish one because it is out of the usual genre and is time-sensitive but we'll see. The traditionally-published books are easily identified because the name of the publisher is linked to them.
H. K. Hillman's other personas include Gutbugs, the sensible one; Phineas Dume, psychotic swamp-castle-dweller; Romulus Crowe, ghosthunter and Leg-iron, permanently enraged political blogger. All of these will eventually publish. Romulus already has.